跨语言建筑隐喻异同的体验哲学及文化理据疏议…...………孙 毅 王 黎(339)
网络交际言语(不)礼貌语境因素探析………………….……耿雯雯 (356)
广播情感热线节目中主持人对咨询人批评的触发原因探究…………彭 卓(370)
伍尔夫现代主义历史小说中的文化记忆重构…………………………罗 晨(407)
《计算机辅助语言教学中的教师教育》评介…………....……周 意 吕 颖(443)
孙毅1,2 王黎2
1. 广东外语外贸大学 2. 西安外国语大学
摘 要:概念隐喻理论是认知语言学最重要的理论之一。该理论源自Lakoff与Johnson 的合著《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(Lakoff & Johnson 1980),并在Lakoff(1993)中得以深入阐述。本文在搜索和归纳大量表示“建筑”概念的隐喻表述基础上,对英汉语言系统的异同进行系统对比与分析,并尝试对其植根的体验哲学——文化特异性的深层次原因进行探索。
A cross-language comparison of experiential philosophy and cultural motivation in architectaral metaphors
SUN Yi1,2 WANG Li2
Abstract: Conceptual metaphor theory is one of the most significant theories of cognitive linguistics, which dates back to the introductory work Metaphors We Live By co-authored by Lakoff and Johnson in 1980 and the elaborative work The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor written by Lakoff in 1993. This article, on the basis of synthesizing large-scale metaphorical expressions of “construction concepts”, undertakes systematic contrast and analysis of English-Chinese language systems, while tentatively probing into their in-depth experientialist philosophical-cultural specificity motivations.
Key Words: cross-language; architectural metaphor; embodied philosophy; cultural specificity
摘 要:随着网络交际日渐成为人们社会生活中必不可少的一部分,网络交际中的言语(不)礼貌现象逐渐引起学者们的关注。(不)礼貌言语的使用与语境有着密不可分的联系。语境的动态变化能够影响信息的产出和阐释,造成言语使用的(不)礼貌。本文以Angouri & Tseliga(2010)的研究为基础,主要从交际内容、交际主体以及交际场景三方面探讨广义的语境因素对言语(不)礼貌的影响和作用。对不同形式的网络交际实例分析表明,上述广义语境因素相互之间存在密切联系,共同影响使用者语言策略的选择,并作用于他人对言语(不)礼貌的阐释。
Verbal (im)politeness in computer-mediated communication: Contextual factors
GENG Wenwen XIE Chaoqun
Abstract: Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has now been an indispensable component of people’s social life, and verbal (im)politeness in CMC is drawing more and more scholars’ attention. In CMC, verbal (im)politeness is closely related to context. The dynamicity of context affects the output and interpretation of information, which may result in verbal (im)politeness. Based on Angouri & Tseliga (2010), this paper explores the impacts context has on verbal (im)politeness in terms of communicative content, participant and situation. The analysis of concrete examples shows that those aspects not only have an impact on the selection of language strategies, but also influence the interpretation of verbal (im)politeness.
Key Words: CMC; verbal (im)politeness; context; identity
摘 要:从交际行为、面子和身份视角探究广播情感热线节目中主持人对咨询人批评的诱因,发现:咨询人的七种交际行为会触发主持人的批评;它们又分别归属于三种面子诱因;面子诱因的形成缘于主持人对自身专家身份所感知的道义秩序和认识秩序的维护。
A study on triggering causes for hosts’ criticism of consulters on emotional phone-in radio programs
Abstract: This paper investigates the triggering causes for the hosts’ criticism of consulters on the emotional phone-in radio programs from the perspectives of communicative behavior, face and identity, which reveal that seven kinds of consulters’ communicative behavior could trigger hosts’ criticism, that the above behavior belongs to three kinds of face inducements, and that the formation of those face inducements results from the hosts’ maintenance of deontic and epistemic orders perceived from their expert identity.
Key Words: criticism; causes; communicative behavior; face; identity
摘 要:理论的多源性、多学科性、多层次性导致了文学理论与文艺理论、批评理论之间的相互交织。文学研究与文艺学、文学学和文学批评之间错综复杂的学科结构关系导致了文学科学及文学教育的一系列问题。理论和文学理论的功过是非,很大程度上与文学科学的研究对象及宏观与微观层面的学科结构不清有关,也与学科与元学科、批评与元批评、理论与元理论的层次不明有关。
Literary theory and theoretical issues in literary science
FENG Zongxin
Abstract: The multi-focality, multi-disciplinarity and multi-stratificationality of theory or theories have led to the multifacetedness and interconnectedness of literary theory and critical theory. The complex structural relations between literary science (in the name of “the study of literature and art”), literaturology and literary criticism have posed a series of issues in both literary science and literary education. The pros and cons of “theory” and “literary theory” largely lie in the lack of an explicit formulation of the object of study in literary science on macro- and micro-levels along with distinctions between discipline and meta-discipline, criticism and meta-criticism, and theory and meta-theory.
Key Words: literary theory; critical theory; literaturology; theory; meta-theory
摘 要:在现代主义历史小说《奥兰多》和《幕间》中,伍尔夫通过地理空间的转换和空间符号构筑起集体记忆场所;但与此同时却又在不断拆解和破坏记忆场,从而将记忆驱赶出驻守之地,使其不得不面临重组和建构。通过改变社会记忆框架,伍尔夫将那些变形、扭曲甚至遗忘的记忆重新拉回公众视野,赋予功能记忆以“非合法化”的动机,从而颠覆现存权利关系,将认同知识进行传达和再生产,培养新的集体身份,重构新的文化记忆。
The reconstruction of cultural memory
in Virginia Woolf’s modernist historical novels
LUO Chen
Abstract: In the modernist historical novels, Orlando and Between the Acts, Virginia Woolf constructs collective memories through the transition of the space and spatial symbols. But at the same time, she is constantly dismantling and destroying the memory field in order to drive the memory out of its residence so that it has to face reorganization and reconstruction. By changing the frame of social memory, Woolf draws those distorted and even forgotten memories back to the public attention, endowing the functional memory “illegal” motivation. In this way, Woolf overturns the existing power relations, conveys and reproduces the identity, so that the collective identity is cultivated and the new cultural memory is reconstructed.
Key Words: Virginia Woolf; modernist historical novels; cultural memory; reconstruction
摘 要:“天才与生活的失衡”——这是歌德本人对其戏剧作品《托夸多·塔索》的阐释。倘若借助现代空间理论来解读歌德的这部古典戏剧作品,可以发现歌德构建其中的文学空间:代表现实社会、国家和权力的宫廷;代表人类最高精神境界的艺术——诗的空间;代表个体的心灵空间。作品中,作为个体的诗人塔索在他的内心世界与外部的现实世界发生冲突时未能达到一种平衡的状态,歌德在该剧中着重描写了诗人的内心生活及其与周围环境的格格不入所导致的个人毁灭——这也是心灵空间与现实空间的“失衡”。抑或:尽管这部戏剧是具有完美形式的古典主义戏剧,但却体现了德国古典思想——理想的“完人”和艺术理念——的失败。
An analysis of representational space in Torquato Tasso
Feng Weiping
Abstract: “The imbalance between genius and life”-Goethe himself expounds his play Torquato Tasso as such. If, by virtue of modern spatial theories, this Goethe’s classical drama is deciphered, the literary space constructed by him would be unveiled: the court representing social reality, the state and puissance; the art-the space for poems-symbolizing the highest realm of the human spirit; the mental space embodying the individuality. In the play, the poet Tasso, as an individual, fails to strike the balance when his inward world conflicts with the real one and Goethe depicts heavily the poet’s inner life as well as the destruction of the individual engendered by the incongruity between his inner life and his surroundings-the imbalance between the mental space and the actual one. Or, despite its immaculate form behind this classical drama, it epitomizes that the classical German ideology-the ideal “complete human being” and the artistic idea-collapses.
Key Words: poem and the art; poet; reality; space; imbalance
摘 要:1814年,歌德开始创作其诗学杰作《西东合集》(West-östlicher Divan),以在精神上逃离欧洲大陆封建复辟之中的重重黑暗。“希吉勒”(Hegire)被编排为开卷第一首,其标题涵义为“迁徙”,指的是先知穆罕默德为躲避迫害而由麦加迁至麦地那的历史事件。本文认为,《西东合集》里的东方世界实乃歌德诗学中的一个象征,意在“声东”以“击西”,借东方之原初精神疗愈欧洲现代文化之问题。“希吉勒”这首诗呈现了贯穿《西东合集》的逃离与向往之间的张力,乃把握《西东合集》理念世界的重要入口。
The poetic journey of “Call to the West”: On the triple escape of Goethe’s “Hegire”
HE Jingwei
Abstract: In 1814, Goethe began to create his masterpiece of poetry, West-östlicher Divan, to spiritually escape the darkness of feudal restoration in the European continent. “Hegire” was the first poem in the book. The meaning of this title, “migration”, refers to the historical events that the Prophet Muhammad moved from
Key Words: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; West-östlicher Divan; poetics; religion