








Title: Some notes on the analysis of cultural concepts

Abstract: Cultural concepts,which possess specific cultural thoughts and value connotations of humanity,society,emotion etc., need to be interpreted in different ways and from different viewpoints to get closer to the language world picture and the spiritual world of national culture.The article will mainly discuss some related problems from such aspects as conceptual gestalt analysis of verb- noun‘linkage metaphor’and attributive metaphorical construction of static word combination,multi-dimensional analysis of conceptual gestalt in cultural contents,and cultural interpretation of conceptual gestalt analysis.The study seeks to deepen our understanding of Russian cultural concepts and of the value of their gestalt analysis,and to help promote further studies of cultural concepts.

Keywords: analysis of cultural conceptsmetaphor- gestaltmulti- KG-*4/9dimensionalitycultural consequencescultural studies

Author: eng Yuhai, professor of linguistics, Center for Russian Language Literature and Culture Studies, Heilongjiang University,does research on semantics, cognitve linguistics, and culturology. Email: hyu@hlju.edu.cn. This study was supported by Major Program of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education  (No.13JJD740011and by Academic Innovative Teams Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Colleges and Universities of Heilongjiang Province the(No.TD201201.

言语社区多语能力研究 ——以澳门为例

阎  喜……………………………………………………………………………12




Title: A study of the multilingual competence of speech communities: An example from Macao

AbstractSpeech communities are multilingual in nature, and their members’ multilingual competence has been receiving much attention in sociolinguistic studies. This study applies Nortier’s three levels of multilingualism research (macro-level, meso-level, and micro-level) to measure the multilingual competence of the Macao speech community. The analysis shows that different levels of measuring multilingual competence have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to emphasize that the research objective often determines the design of a study, and appropriate combination of quantitative and qualitative studies and application of multi-level analysis could deepen our understanding of the multilingual competence of speech communities.

Keywordsspeech community; multilingual competence; Macao

Author: Yan Xi, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University. Research interests: sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, translation studies. Professional title: Associate Professor. Email Address: yxmax1980@126.com. This study was supported by Social Science Fund of Fujian Province (Sociolinguistic Studies of Macao Multilingualism; No.FJ2015B247) and Scientific Research Fund of Huaqiao University (Language and Society in Macao;No.15SKBS103).


龚  兵……………………………………………………………………………21




Title: An ESP autonomous learning model from the perspective of CLIL

Abstract: The lack of foreign language proficiency of Chinese College students, the lack of professional knowledge of foreign language teachers and limited teaching hours pose three major challenges to ESP teaching reform. To address these three issues, this article, based on CLIL and TBL theories, designs an autonomous ESP learning model to integrate reading, writing and speaking tasks as a whole. This model, with a view to offering a feasible model for ESP teaching at the tertiary level in China, argues that content area learning, acquisition of cognitive skills, cultural knowledge and autonomy should be highlighted in both language input and output stages.  Keywords: CLIL; TBL; autonomous learning; ESP

Author: Gong bing is Professor in the School of Applied Foreign Languages at Shenzhen Polytechnic. His research interests include SSLA and ESP. Email:benj88@szpt.edu.cn. The present study was supported by Guangdong Planning Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Research on CBI Vocational English Teaching Model;No.GD15CWW01)  & Shenzhen Polytechnic Key Teaching Research Project(The Theory and Practice of CBI Reading Program in Polytechnic Colleges;No.701522J26011)

语项的加工投入、结构特征、使用频率和交际效果 ——基于CASP模型的二语习得研究介绍

段成钢  张  怡…………………………………………………………………29

摘要:本文主要介绍新近的一种预测性和操作性较强的二语习得模型——CASP模式。该模型由Filipovic & Hawkins(2013)提出,由4条准则和5条次准则构成,是对一些人类理性行为的整体描述。CASP模型以一系列准则及次准则间的互动为特色,旨在从宏观层面上阐释二语习得过程中不同结构层次语项特征的动态分布及其发展途径。首先,本文从学习和加工成本投入、结构特征、使用频率、交际效果四方面展开对语项特征的讨论;然后,借助于这四方面关系和“有”和“无”母语迁移现象,全面介绍CASP模型中各准则和次准则内容。依据各准则和次准则的统摄力度,CASP模型阐释了不同结构层次的二语语项特征习得的顺序性问题,同时对长期以来争论较多的“有”和“无”母语迁移问题,也提出了较为合理的解决途径。最后,本文总结了CASP模型的优势及不足,并针对不足提出尝试性的解决方案。我们希望:国内广大外语教学研究者和教师可以批判性地将该模式引入外语教学研究中,丰富外语教学研究的内容。

关键词: CASP模型;学习/加工投入;简单/复杂性结构;使用频率;交际效果


Title: Frequency and efficiency: A brief introduction to CASP model in second language acquisition

Abstract: This paper introduces a new model (referred to as CASP) of second language acquisition. This model, put forward by Filipovic & Hawkins (2013) consists of four general principles and five specific principles, attempting to give an integrative account of human rational behavior. The CASP model, characterized by interactions between general principles and specific principles, aims to illustrate from a macro perspective dynamic distributions and developments of different grammatical and lexical features in second language acquisition. First, the article starts with an introduction of such definitions as learning/processing effort, complexity, frequency and efficiency and their relationship. Second, based upon this relationship and the discussion about transfer and non-transfer, it outlines the whole picture of CASP model, informed by a broad range of linguistic, second language and psycholinguistic research. Finally, the advantages and shortcomings inherent in the CASP model are discussed. It is hoped that this model might help solve some traditional puzzles in this field, shedding in a general sense some pedagogical implications to SLA researchers and practitioners.

Keywords: CASPlearning/processing effortcomplexityfrequencyefficiency Authors: Duan Chenggang is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB). His research interest includes sociolinguistics and foreign language teaching and research. Email: ch.g.d@126.com. Zhang Yi is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, USTB. Her research interest includes foreign language teaching and research and translation study. Email: zhangyinew@sina.com. The present study was funded by the following programs: Program of Study Abroad for Young Scholar (2013) sponsored by CSC (China Scholarship Council), Training Program of Young Teachers Sponsored by USTB, and Program of Core Courses in General Education (No.KC2015TS03) sponsored by USTB.


张玉珠  金锦珠…………………………………………………………………41



作者简介:张玉珠,研究生,南京农业大学,研究方向:日语语言及文化,二语习得; 金锦珠, 副教授,南京农业大学,研究方向:日本语言文化、二语习得、中日韩语言对比。

Title: A survey of listening errors of Japanese beginners

Abstract: In second language acquisition, listening is an important part of the learner portal phase and the basis of in-depth learning. Given that a better understanding of beginners’ hearing errors has great significance for teaching and learning, this paper collected 8,100 cases from 15 dictation tests by students from the entry level through the N3 level. This paper discusses the real state of the errors, and finds that the beginners make errors in consonant sounds, dullness, long tone and so on. As learning continues, most types of listening errors are reduced sharply, but the errors of long tone etc. increased. There have appeared drastic changes in the mid-term of primary learning state, while there is a rise in errors rate and total amount in the later stage. The study speculates that the changes of beginners hearing errors are related to the length of learning time; and the main causes of errors are as follows: 1. Beginners are not familiar with Japanese phonetic characteristics and rules; 2. Beginners are influenced by Chinese pronunciation; 3. Beginners’ professional qualification level is limited with little listening practice.

Keywords: Japanese beginnerslisteningreal state errors

Authors: Zhang Yuzhu is a post-graduate candidate at Nanjing Agricultural University;Research areaJapanese language and culture,second language acquisition. Email:1552479826@qq.com. Jin Jinzhu,Associate ProfessorNanjing Agricultural University;Research areaJapanese language and culture,second language acquisition, comparison among Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages. Email:jinjinzhu@njau.edu.cn.






Title: A comparative study of Kathāsaritsāgara and Aesop’s Fables

AbstractKathāsaritsāgarais usually regarded as an encyclopaedia of ancient Indian stories and  Aesop’s Fablesas the most popular collection of fable stories in the world. In these two books there are about five groups of the same or similar fable storieswhich mostly appear in Indian story books of Jātaka and Pancatantra and so on. A comparative analysis preliminarily shows that they originated from India, not from Greece.

KeywordsKathāsaritsāgaraAesop’s Fablesinfluencesource

Author: Zhao  Jianguo is an aassociate professor at the Department of Chinese of Hexi University.His research area is comparative literature. Email: zhaoyi3938 @ yeah.net.





Title: Black religion in the novels of Walker and Hurston:The inheritance of black folk culture

Abstract: As part and parcel of black folk culture, black religion constructs the ethnic identity of black people. In their novels, Walker and Hurston depict the psychic of the West African Vodun, the harmony in animistic philosophy and the mystery of other superstitional manners and customs, and reveal the black people’s thoughts, feelings and aesthetic wit contained in black religion. Hurston’s and Walker’s novels not only present the rich spiritual intension of the black folk culture and its unique artistic charm, but also demonstrate the black writers’sense of national pride and ethnic identity, only to produce a special artistic effect in portraying characters and highlighting the motif. By accumulating abundant black folk culture and producing excellent folk literary works, Zora Neale Hurston established her fame as a sticker to the black folk culture. As a junior, Alice Walker, with great respect, employed Hurston’s narrative technique of seeking the black cultural root in novel-writing and thus repeated and/or revised the senior’s text. In this sense, Walker created a literary bond with Hurston and became a direct successor to the latter in promoting the black folk culture.

Keywords: Zora Neale Hurston; Alice Walker; black religion; black folk culture; inheritance

Author: Shui Caiqin, an associate professor at Northwest University for Nationalities, whose research orientation is British and American literature. Email: charityshui @163.com.


张  磊……………………………………………………………………………64




Title: On musical narrative and the politics of the“other”in Chang-Rae Lee’s

Abstract: As a major Korean American writer today, Chang-Rae  Lee’s  has made his name with several prize-winning novels, almost all of which profoundly explore the interaction between minority groups and the mainstream white society, thus attracting wide attention from literary critics, especially post-colonial ones. Among them, A Gesture Lifeis a text that is especially open for critical interpretations, for it manages to fully show the fragile tension created by the triple (Korean, Japanese and American) identities of its protagonist, the old male Franklin Hata. However, most critics tend to overlook the subtle presence of western classical music within the text. In fact, it is in listening to and performing it that the concealed and repressed true identity of the male protagonist starts to be engaged with the various self-constructed personas in a series of intense and profound confrontations and dialogues, eventually contributing to his mental growth from the“other” to his true“self”.

KeywordsA Gesture Life; Chang-Rae Lee; classical music; other; self

Author: Dr. Zhang Lei is an associate professor of English-language literature in School of Foreign Languages, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China. His major interest lies in the following two fields: the interdisciplinary study of foreign literature and music, and contemporary English-language fiction by women. Email:zhangleicupl@163.com.This work was jointly supported by the Beijing Social Science FoundationNo.15WYC067and the CUPL Humanities and Social Sciences Research ProgramNo.12ZFQ750001.