


改版卷首语     …………………………………………………………………………(3





南京城市形象的话语建构  ………………………………………………袁周敏(53






现实译名问题的修辞思考  ………………………………………………陈小慰(91












[中图分类号] H0     [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0004-19


Negative transfer of Chinese nominalism in learning

English as a second language

Abstract: While noun and verb are in exclusive opposition in English, in Chinese they are in inclusive opposition, in which nouns constitute a super-noun category with verb as its sub-category. In other words, all verbs in Chinese are in fact verbal nouns. The interference of this Chinese Nominalism in learning English as second language by Chinese students is deep and wide-spread, including various word class mistakes, missing of articles, missing and over-use of verb inflections, over-use of copula be, and mistakes in using and understanding negatives. A qualified English teacher in China must have a linguistic knowledge of his mother tongue and try to let his students realize the major difference of fundamental importance between English and Chinese.

Keywords: ESL; Chinese; nominalism; negative transfer









 [中图分类号] H0    [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0023-17


On syntactic argument and thematic roles

Abstract: Argument and thematic role, the fundamental linguistic concepts, concern themselves with not only language proper but also its cognitive aspects that are universal to all human languages. With the development of the modern theoretical linguistics, the researchers have gained a better insight into the two concepts though quite a few of them are still confused with each other, and not very clear about their inner mechanism. The paper intends to analyze the grammatical properties of argument and thematic role and the problems in the relevant theories while presenting their linguistic significance.

Keywords: argument; argument structure; thematic role









[中图分类号] H0     [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0040-13


Children’s developmental ability of metaphorical

categorization comprehension

Abstract: This research, based on career of metaphor hypothesis, examines children’s comprehension ability and developmental characteristics of metaphorical categorization under a condition of analogic reasoning. Results show that: 1. Children’s comprehension ability enhances as their age increases and the third and fourth grade is a transition period of comprehending such process of categorization for children; 2. Children rely more on external similarities when comprehending metaphorical categorization and those based on internal relations are more difficult for children to understand, which has much to do with the relative developmental hysteresis of their abstract thinking and analogic abilities; 3. Children adopt different comprehension strategies in comprehending different types of metaphorical categories: categorization processing is mainly adopted in comprehending analogic/relational metaphorical categories, and there is no difference in the adoption of either categorization or comparison processing in the other two types of metaphorical categories.

Keywords: children; metaphorical categorization; comprehension ability; developmental characteristics





要:本研究以“十二五”期间《光明日报》和China Daily有关南京城市形象的报道为语料,结合话语建构论和文化话语研究框架,从话语主体、话语主题和话语形式三个方面考察了南京城市形象的话语建构。研究发现,样本媒体中话语主体主要集中在政府官员和企业组织成员上,但同时专家学者和普通居民话语权的增多也表明了话语主体多元化的趋势;针对话语主题,样本媒体均从政府民生、历史文化、经济发展、环境景观四个方面建构南京城市形象且均在历史文教方面笔墨最重,环境景观相对较少,同时体现出中国打造廉洁之都、创新之城的决心。样本报道主要采用事件通讯和概貌通讯,即倾向于事件描述、政策介绍再现南京城市形象,从而侧重于物化呈现,缺少人化叙事。南京城市形象建构体现了与城市历史、国家政治和传统文化间的互动。文章认为媒体话语反映了社会现实与社会变迁,同时也塑造着人们对南京的认知并且对城市形象建构产生现实的影响。文章最后对南京城市形象的话语建构提出了一些建议。


[中图分类号] H0     [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0053-15

Discursive construction of Nanjing city image

Abstract: The article carries out an analysis of the subjectscontents and forms in the media discourse of Nanjing city image. The data were drawn from Guangmin Dailyin Chineseand China Dailyin Englishranging from the first day of 2011 to the final day of 2015 which is officially named as China’s 12th Five Year Plan. The analysis shows that:1although a substantial part of the subjects are members from the government, business groups and organizations, the voices of professionals and ordinary citizens have occupied a certain proportion, highlighting the trend of diversity in discourse subjects;2sample reports have delineated Nanjing from four aspects: government and people’s livelihood, history, culture and education, economy and development, environment and landscape, among which history, culture and education hold a dominant place while environment and landscape inferior, revealing a determination in building a capital of honest governance and city of innovation;3sample media favor news story of events and overview, that is to say, they give us a portrait of Nanjing by describing hot issues, introducing policies, suggesting a need for humanizing reports in which individual growth is reported with the city’s development and national progress;4the construction of Nanjing image reflects an interaction between media discourse and China’s politics and traditional culture. The article then concludes that the media discourse of Nanjing city image is a reflection of social changes and realities, working as a catalyst to shape people’s view toward Nanjing reality and to mold the practice of the construction. A fusion of the discursive constructivism and the CDS perspective provides us with a powerful theoretical and methodological framework in accounting for Nanjing city image construction in political and cultural context of China. Also, the study puts forward some suggestion for the discursive construction of Nanjing’s city image.

Keywords: Nanjing; city image construction; discursive construction; CDS; media discourse








[中图分类号] I106    [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0068-12


On Wideman’s historiographic metafiction Fanon

Abstract:This paper analyzes John Edgar Wideman’s novel Fanon in the light of Linda Hutcheon’s postmodern poetics. This novel, in the form of historiographic metafiction, cuts across the borders of history, biography and autobiography. The metafictional art actualizes Wideman’s concept that “fact and fiction don’t have to fight against each other”, and enacts his subversion of the Manichean thought of binary opposition. The juxtaposition of history and present foregrounds the harm of the color-line to the African American youth. The embedding of auto/biography bears witness to the intractable pain of “living imprisonment” of the contemporary African Americans underclass, and inscribes the personal history of the silenced. The novel, in the form of historiographic metafiction, fuses the postmodern spirit of heteroglossia with subtle ethnic thematic concerns, reflecting the African philosophy that “all stories are true”.

Keywords: Wideman; Fanon; historiographic metafiction







[中图分类号] I106    [文献标识码] A    [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0080-11

Traumatic journey of a slave girl on time machine in Whitehead’s

The Underground Railroad

Abstract: This paper focuses on the African-American writer Colson Whitehead’s new novel The Underground Railroad. With insights from trauma theory, the present paper illuminates how Whitehead exposes the trauma and wounds imposed by slavery on the individual and the whole marginalized groups. It is argued that the work satirizes the American dream and articulates the contemporary intellectual’s concerns on the history of American black slaves, race issues and human equality.

Keywords: Colson Whitehead; The Underground Railroad; trauma








[中图分类号] H059    [文献标识码] A   [文章编号] 1672-4720(2018)01-0091-13

Rhetorical analysis and practice of real-world name translation

Abstract: This article aims to explore the translation of names and terms, a special practice area, within the framework of contemporary rhetoric. Based on an analysis and discussion of the rhetorical nature and functions of some names and terms in the real world, the article tries to draw attention to the importance of the translator’s awareness of the rhetorical undertone in their translation so as to do a better job and to make the translation better build a positive image of China and better provide internal and external language services in the interest of China.

Keywords: translation of real-world names and terms; target audience; rhetorical nature; rhetorical function; rhetorical practice