




英语介词在学习者语料库中的误用及其分析 左尚君 戴光荣(227



——以《三体》第一、二部英译本为例  吕晓菲(235


从“一个葱头”看俄罗斯近代小说中的佛教精神渗透  孙捷 (244


——中西文学中荒谬的原型  黄  遥(252

布兰顿的意义理论与纳博科夫的小说《绝望》张俊萍 惠迎(256


——对萨特《死无葬身之地》剧名意义的探讨  李克(265


走进外语课堂教学的形成性评估之促学研究 袁树厚(274


《网络交际中不礼貌话语的建构模式及其语用机制》述评 胡晓琳(280


——评Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words 张红深(283

2017年总目录  (287


Professor Shichun Gui and applied linguistics in China  Chang Xinping(219)

A study on misuse of English prepositions by Chinese English learners  Zuo Shangjun  Dai Guangrong(227)

The exploration of Chinese science fiction from the perspective of feminist translation studies  Lu Xiaofei(235)

The Buddhisms spirit infiltration in Russian modern novels:From the perspective of An Onion Sun Jie(244)

The myth of Jingwei Filling the Sea and the myth of SisyphusThe archetype of absurdity in Chinese and Western literature  Huang Yao(252)

Brandoms theory of meaning and Nabokovs Despair  Zhang Junping  Hui Ying(256)

How did the French resistance Fighters Die without a Sepulture:A discussion of the Meaning Behind the Title of Jean Paul Sartres PlayMorts sans Sépulture?  Li Ke(265)

A study of the assessment for learning in foreign language classroom teaching  Yuan Shuhou(274)

A review of Xie Chaoqun et als Impoliteness in ComputerMediated Discourse: Construction Models and Pragmatic Mechanisms  Hu Xiaolin(280)

Comments on Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words  Zhang Hongshen(283)







Title: Professor Shichun Gui and applied linguistics in China

AbstractOn April 5, 2017 came the distressing news of  the passing away of the well-known pioneering applied linguist in China, Professor Shichun Gui. All through his life Professor Shichun Gui committed himself whole-heartedly to the exploration and research of EFL education in Chinese situations. His research has inspired and benefited thousands of EFL learners, teachers and researchers. His death is a great loss both to the country and the field of applied linguistics in China. This paper aims to explore and synthesize some of his thoughts on EFL education and his contributions to this field. Three Lines are followed in the discusion: (1) how he promoted the dissemination of applied linguistic ideas and research in China, (2) how different related fields develop with his assistance, and (3) how he facilitated the dissemination of scientific research methods in China. It is hoped that Professor Gui’s legacies will be treasured by the academic community, and hence benefit the country’s EFL education.

KeywordsShichun Gui; Applied Linguistics; scientification of research on foreign language teaching and learning.

Author: Chang Xinping, born in 1965, PhD. in Applied Linguistics; associate professor of Linguistics at the School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou Guangdong; Major orientations: second language acquisition, EFL teaching, EFL testing and pragmatics. Email: flscxp@mail.sysu.edu.cn.




左尚君 戴光荣




基金支持:教育部人文社科规划项目(编号16YJA740052);福建省教育科学2014年度常规课题重点项目(编号FJJKCGZ14-018);福建工程学院科研启动基金项目(GY-S16006Title: A study on misuse of English prepositions by Chinese English learners

AbstractThe present research investigates the misuse of English prepositions by Chinese English learners with the help of corpus data, and discusses the applications of cognitive metaphor theory to the explanations of the problem. It offers a case study of the English preposition atmisused by Chinese English learners, and points out the importance of cognitive metaphor theory in helping the learners to understand the nature and functions of English prepositions and use them idiomatically.

KeywordsEnglish preposition; Chinese English learners; corpus; cognitive metaphor

Authors: Zuo Shangjun, MA. associate professor, research interest:  contrastive studies between English and Chinese, translation studiesEmail:sjzuo75@163.com;Dai Guagnrong, PhD, professor, research interest: corpus linguistics, corpus translation studies,Email:carldy@163.com. Funds: Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Ministry of Education (No. 16YJA740052); Fujian Provincial Educational Planned Research Project (No. FJJKCGZ14-018); Research Project of Fujian University of Technology (No. GY-S16006).











Title: The exploration of Chinese science fiction from the perspective of feminist translation studies

AbstractThe translators of The Three-Body Problem adopt the translation strategy of hijacking in an attempt to foreground female factors. Liu Yukun and Joel Martinsen all demonstrate their feminist consciousness in the translation process to eliminate prejudices against women. Their translation strategies and feminist consciousness serve as an example to promote the development of feminist translation theories and practices in China.

KeywordsThe Three-Body Problem; feminist translation; science fiction; translation of Chinese literary works

Author: Lu Xiaofei is furthering doctoral studies in Guangdong Foreign Studies University. The major research fields of interest include American ethnic literature, feminist translation studies and practices. Email: lwf_xfy@163.com.

FundsPartial Fulfillment of the 13th five-year Philosphical and Social Sciences Planning in Guangdong Province The Research on Post-identity Politics Pertaining to Medicinal Narratives of Latinas Literary Productions in the U.S. (No. GD16CWW03)









Title: The Buddhisms spirit infiltration in Russian modern novels —— from the perspective of An Onion

AbstractSharing the similarities in the story structure, plot and the ending of the two novels, the relationship between The Spiders Thread written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa and An Onion in The Brothers Karamazov written by Fyodor Dostoevsky,  has aroused the curiosity of the readers. It has been affirmed by the academic circle that The Spiders Thread is the imitation of An Onion because it was published later. More complicatedly, Tolstoy also translated a folktale which is identical with Ryunosukes novel. This article will  make judgement on which one is the origin of the stories,  and show innumerable relationship between Russian modern novels and Buddhist spirit, through the spread of The Spiders Thread, the life trace of Fyodor Dostoevsky as well as Tolstoys study of Buddhism and his conclusion of the story, and by means of folktale morphology analysis and  the religious doctrine comparison.

KeywordsFyodor Dostoevsky; Tolstoy; life redemption; influence of Buddhism

Author: Sun Jie, columnist and indepenent scholar, doing research in the fields of post-modern philosophy and the cultural comparison between Eastern and Western,Email:cool_sue@163.com.









Title: The myth of Jingwei filling the sea and the myth of Sisyphusthe archetype of absurdity in Chinese and Western literature

AbstractThis article uses the philosophy of absurdity by Camus of France to re-interpret the myth of Jingwei filling the sea from China and the myth of Sisyphus from the West and reaches the conclusion that when we find ourselves in an absurd situation as Jingwei and Sisyphus, we must continue to exist with the reason to hopeand bravely face absurdity-theSaviour- and continue to fight against absurdity becauseresistance gives life its value.

Keywordsabsurdity; fight; value; Saviour; alienation

Author: Huang Yao, associate professor of the College of Foreign Languages of Fujian Normal University.  Field of research: comparative literature,Email:dyh96@163.com.




张俊萍 惠迎




基金支持:此文是“认知语言学视角下的外语习得研究”(项目编号为2017JDZD08)和“语言符号认知阐释及其教学运用研究(项目编号为2015JDZD15)”的阶段性成果,受 “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”。

Title: Brandoms theory of meaning and Nabokovs Despair

AbstractThough Vladimir Nabokovs novel Despair uses first-person narration, it presents the readers with two entirely different stories. One is the story told by Hermann, the narrator and protagonist of this novel. He claims that what he is doing is creating a perfect “work of art”. The other is found by readers. After a closereading they realize that Hermann is actually a villain and lunatic who commits insurance fraud. The theory of meaning of Robert Brandom, a contemporary linguistic philosopher who advocates pragmatism and analytic philosophyprovides a practical theoretical frame for literary pragmatics. In light of Brandoms theory of meaning this paper analyzes the emergence of meaning, the language mechanism and narrative techniques in Despair . It especially focuses on the surface and underlying narrative in this novel, and reveals how the underlying narrative functions simultaneously and destabilizes the surface narrative ultimately.KeywordsDespair; Robert Brandoms theory of meaning; Nabokov; narrative

Authors: hang Junping is an associate professor of English Literature at the School of Foreign Studies in Jiangnan University. She received her PhD from Shanghai Normal University. Her research interests cover comparative literature and world literature, especially fiction studies,Email:jndxzjp@163.com; Hui Ying receives her masters degree from the School of Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University. Her research area is American literature.Email:372798886@qq.com.

Funds: The paper is supported by Programs named asStudies of Foreign Language Acquisition From the Perspective of Cognitive linguistics(No. 2017JDZD08) and Studies of Language Symbols Cognition and Interpretation and its Employment in Teaching (No. 2015JDZD15), funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.









Title: How did the French resistance fighters die without a sepulture?

A discussion of the meaning behind the title of Jean Paul Sartres play Morts sans Sépulture

AbstractThe title of a play points to its theme.  Scholars have presented various interpretations of Morts sans sépulture” ——the title of one of Jean Paul Sartres pièces de théGA27Btre.  This paper argues that the character design, plot, and overall theme of this play are specifically set in the framework of Sartrean existentialism, and that in this play, Sartre explores key concepts of existentialism such as autonomy and freedom of choice through theatrical act, illuminating a unique path to individual freedom.  

KeywordsMorts sans sépulture; freedom; existence; purpose

Author: Li Ke was born in Beijing, China.  He is a faculty member of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Shenzhen University and focuses his research on western literary theory.  Emaillike2698@126.com.










Title: A study of the assessment for learning in foreign language classroom teaching

AbstractFormative assessment has a great effect on promoting learning but the real integration with in-class foreign language teaching is still pending. From the teachers perspective this paper discusses the misunderstanding and the misuses of formative assessment of in-class teaching, probes the new methods assissing. It finally puts forward the basic requirements of in-class formative assessment. The aim is to enhance the application of assessment for learning into the classroom teaching.

Keywordsformative assessment; assessment for learning; classroom teaching

Author: Yuan Shuhou is an associate professor of Sanming University. His research area covers formative assessment and second language learning motivation. Email:1789565196@qq.com.

Funds: Funds of Fujian Education Commission for Young / Middle-aged TeachersResearch (No. JZ160020); Funds of Higher Education Research of Sanming University (No. SUHE1615).









Title: A review of Xie Chaoqun et als Impoliteness in Computer Mediated Discourse: Construction Models and Pragmatic Mechanisms

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed two turns in politeness studies, namely, impoliteness turnand internetmediatedness turn. The book under review, Impoliteness in ComputerMediated Discourse, combines two turns into one, providing, based on a review of previous (im) politeness literature, a convincing account of impoliteness phenomena and issues of identity construction that arise from internetmediated interactions.

Keywordsimpoliteness turn; internetmediatedness turn; impoliteness; computermediated discourse; identity construction

Author: Hu Xiaolin is a lecturer and doctoral student at College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University. Her research interest is Spanish pragmatics. Email: niebla@foxmail.com.





——评Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words


摘要:本文在概述国内模糊语言研究现状基础上,对《弹性语言》(Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words)(张乔著,剑桥大学出版社,2015)进行评述,侧重讨论其理论创新之处及其对模糊语言研究的积极意义,并对今后我国模糊语言研究提出建设性意见。



Title: Comments on Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words

AbstractThis paper briefly reviews the domestic status quo of vague language studies, based on which it makes comments on Grace Zhangs new work Elastic Language: How and Why We Stretch Our Words published by Cambridge University Press (2015), focusing on its theoretical and practical significance for vague language studies, and then puts forward some suggestions for its further development.

Keywordselasticity, elastic language, vague language, Fuzzy Linguistics

Author: Zhang Hongshen is a Professor of School of Humanities, Fujian University of Technology (FJUT). After graduating from the University of Exeter with MEd in TESOL in 2004, Zhang began working in FJUT. In 2013-2014, he was supervised by Professor Mark Turner as a visiting scholar in Department of Cognitive Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, Case Western Reserve University. His research mainly focuses on Cognitive Linguistics, Grammatical metaphor, fuzzy grammar,Email:hshzh@fjut.edu.cn.