





英文外交祝酒之批评隐喻分析樊斌  韩存新(158




——译学研  陈建生王琪(175




——文化域下的《帕梅拉》  历伟197

《慈悲》中流散女性的空验与主体性建构  204

·书    评·




 Internet Pragmatics    Chaoqun Xie and Francisco Yus216




摘要:本文结合社会生态环境中的语用来分析汉语模因现象,探索汉语话语形成与传播的规律,并对汉语话语的语用机制提出一些新的见解。文章讨论以下的几个内容:首先,我们探讨汉语模因形成的动因,为的是识别出为什么有些信息可以被大量表征并被不停地模仿、复制和传播 。有旺盛生命力的强势语言模因甚至经年不衰;而有一些信息就不被看好,人们渐少提及,是弱势模因,最后被人遗忘。其次,本文认为语言模因的形成需要有动态的语境和模因宿主的意愿来触发。前者主要包括语言语境和社会语境,而后者则指宿主对信息所持的态度和引发的联想。最后,文章描述了汉语模因在形成、复制和传播过程的主要特性。




[中图分类号]H0  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1672-4720201703-0147-11

Title: The forming process of linguistic memes and their spreading features: On Chinese memes and pragmatics in social ecology

AbstractThis paper analyses the pragmatics for Chinese memes in social eco-environments, exploring the regularities of Chinese discourse forming and spreading, and shedding new light on pragmatics of the Chinese discourse. In this paper we discuss the following: Firstly, dealing with the causes of how Chinese memes are formed in order to discern between the strong memes and the weak ones, the former of which are messages that can broadly be represented, imitated, replicated and spread, while the latter are messages that are less mentioned and finally forgotten completely. Secondly, the author holds that the forming of memes needs to be triggered by the contexts of social and linguistic dynamics, as well as by the accomplishment of the host's intention and association. Finally, this paper describes the main features of Chinese memes in the process of their forming, replicating and spreading.   

Keywordslinguistic/Chinese memes; social eco-environments; factors of meme-triggeringfeatures of meme-spreading

Author: HE Hiran is Professor of Pragmatics at the National Key Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Guangdong Univeersity of foreign Studies, China. He is the founder and honorary president of the China Pragmatics Association. He has published approximately 200 papers and 10 books. He served as an editorial board member for Journal of Pragmatics, Intercultural Pragmatics, and Pragmatics. He also acts as a member of the editorial board for East Asian Pragmatics and Internet Pragmatics. 

Funding: This research was supported by Humanities and Social Sciences Research Program, the Ministry of Education of China (No. 16YJC740038).


樊斌  韩存新………………………………………(158)




基金支持:福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目,项目名称:语义韵视阈下的批评话语分析研究(编号:JAS160255;集美大学博士启动基金项目,项目名称:英汉语义韵对比研究(编号:Q201504)。 

Title: A critical metaphor analysis of English remarks for proposing a toast at diplomatic events

AbstractThis paper, based on findings from corpora, is a critical analysis of remarks for proposing a toast by the former US President Barack Obama at diplomatic events. It is found that a large number of building metaphors, personification metaphors and conflict metaphors are used in Obama’s toasts and that far more metaphors of bonds are used in the speeches to audiences from developing countries than those to audiences from developed countries. Our conclusions are: (a) the major motivation for using building metaphors is to enhance mutual friendship; (b) using personification metaphors can reduce the boredom and rigidity of political topics and lighten up the atmosphere of banquets; (c) using conflict metaphors not only reinforces the values of the speaker but also serves to attack opponents so as to highlight a clear political agenda; and (d) using plenty of bond metaphors is suitable for banquets for bilateral visits, which aim to enhance friendship and cooperation between both sides. 

Keywordstoasts at diplomatic eventscritical metaphor analysiscorpusBarack Obama

Authors: Fan Bin is currently a lecturer of Jimei University holding an MA degree. Her research interests include corpus linguistics and translation. Email:newlovejane@126.com. Han Cunxin is an associate professor of Jimei University holding a Ph.D degree.  His research interests include critical linguistics, corpus linguistics and translation. Email:hancunxin@126.com. 

Funding: Funds of Fujian Education Commission for Young /Middle-aged Teachers’ Research( No. JAS160255);Doctoral Start-up Funds of Jimei University(No. Q201504.







Title: Analyzing code-switching in Chinese popular songs 

AbstractAs a common language phenomenon, code-switching is one of the important issues of social linguistics research. Lyrics in Chinese popular songs gradually becomes a special carrier of code-switching with the development of society and culture. Based on a lot of examples of code-switching in translating the lyric songs from Chinese into English, this paper aims to explore the characteristics of structure form in such code-switching, and their causes and social functions. 

Keywordscode-switching between Chinese and English; popular songs; lyrics

Author: Qiu Yamei, lecturer of Sichuan Conservatory of MusicSCCM),whose research field is translation studies  and lingaistics. Email: maggie5563@163.com.

Funding: This paper was supported by SCCM Scientific Research Project(No. CY2015045). 



陈建生  王琪…………………………………(175)

摘要: 2015年,中国科幻小说《三体》凭借其宏大的格局和高远的立意获得第73届雨果奖——最佳长篇故事奖,被誉为迄今为止中国当代最杰出的科幻小说,是中国科幻文学的里程碑之作。而这一奖项与其英译者刘宇昆的翻译是分不开的。译者凭借着精通汉英双语的这一优势,通过灵活的翻译技巧,将《三体》成功地介绍到美国,促进了中美文化的交流。本文借助语料库,利用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,从词汇,句法两个角度,考察和验证《三体》英译本中是否存在翻译共性中的显化特征。结果表明《三体》英译本仅表现出了部分的显化特征,而非全部。



Title: Exploring explicitation in the English translation of Santi: A corpus-based translation study

AbstractIn 2015, the Chinese science fiction Santi (The Three-Body Problem ) won the 73th Hugo Award for Best Novel because of its grand pattern and its lofty conception, which is praised as the most outstanding work in contemporary Chinese Science fiction and is also known as the “representation of the milestone in chinese science fiction”. However, this honor should be owed to its translator Ken Liu, a brilliant bilingual master, who introduced it successfully into America by virtue of the flexible translation skill, facilitating the communication between China and America. This paper aims to verify one of the translation universals, explicitation, in The Three-Body Problem, in an approach which combines quantitative and qualitative analyses from the aspects of the lexicon and syntax on the basis of corpus data. The results suggest that the English version of this masterpiece partly, but not completely, shows the explicitation both from lexicon and syntax.

Keywordscorpus-based translation studies; The Three-Body Problem; translation universals; explicitation

Authors: Chen Jiansheng is a professor at School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, major in Corpus-based Translation Study. Email:2223605133@qq.com; Wang Qi is an MA Student at School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Science and Technology.Email: 954703258@qq.com.


余思思  袁影……………………………………(187)





Title: A systemic approach to pathos 

Abstract:“Pathos”, a classic intercultural category in Western rhetoric, is yet in want of an operative system. Upon surveying the representative works from ancient Greece downwards, we demonstrate that “emotional orientation” and “emotional actualisation” are two indispensable and interactive dimensions of “pathos”, and that their respective elements need to be defined in the contemporary context, aided by narratology and other related theories. This justified system for “pathos” applies to all types of rhetorical practice and rhetorical criticism.

Keywords: pathos; emotional orientation, emotional actualisation; narrative; figure; delivery 

Authors: Yu Sisi is an MA candidate of rhetoric in the Department of English at Soochow University. Email: yss20154204034@163.com.Yuan Ying, ph.D  in rhetoric, is an associate professor in the Department of English at Soochow University. Email address: szyuanying@sina.com.

Funding: This research was supported by a grant from the China National Social Science Foundation,“On Argumentative Textual Functions of Major Tropes and Schemes” (No. 15BYY178). 




摘要: 18世纪初的英国社会形势在经历了“光荣革命”的更迭动荡后趋于平缓。但从笛福到理查逊的短短20年间,社会发展日新月异。仆役阶层的兴起,室内建筑布局变革带来景观革命,书信小说的发展,道德改良运动趋于困顿等社会现象都可以从理查逊《帕梅拉》一封包涵众多文化符码的信中找到不可多得的线索。


作者简介:历伟,厦门大学嘉庚学院讲师,博士,研究方向:十八世纪英国文学与文化思想。Title: A letter full of cultural signs: Pamela from the perspective of cultural studies

AbstractEarly in the eighteenth century, the social situation of England, which went through the Gloary Revolution, came to a balanced yet stable level. However, within the twenty years from the generation of Daniel Defoe to Samuel Richardson, the British society saw dramatic changes including the bloom of servant class, the landscape revolution accompanying the indoor decoration development, the raise of epistolary novel, the dilemma of moral refinement movements. All these phenomena can be traced from the letters of Richardson, namely, Pamela, within which numerous cultural signs have been embodied.

Keywords: Samuel Richardson; Pamela; epistolary novel; landscape and history; culture study

Author: Li Wei is a college lecturer at Tan Kah Kee Collage, Xiamen University and his main research field is the 18th century English literature and thoughts.




关键词:《慈悲》;流散女性 ;空间体验;主体性建构

作者简介:周权,四川外国语大学国际关系学院讲师,主要从事流散文学研究 。

基金支持:本文系四川外国语大学2015年度校级青年项目 “托尼·莫里森后期四部小说的空间叙事研究”(项目批号sisu201519)的阶段性成果。

Title: Diasporic female spatial experiences and construction of subjectivity in A Mercy

Abstract: Among modern American writers Toni Morrison  is acknowledged as highly proficient in narrative techniques and her narrative works have always focused on diasporic female subjectivity. The paper examines A Mercy through the lens of spatial narrative to explore the strategies Morrison points out for three diasporic females to construct their subjectivity: White Rebekka’s spatial experiences in bottom physical space instills her with rebellion and optimism; cultural hybridity of the “third space” is the result of Native Lina’s efforts to construct her spiritual wellbeing; Motherhood as a way to experience female body space enables Mulatto Sorrow to become Complete. Those different spatial experiences enable the three diasporic females to construct their own female subjectivity.

Keywords: A Mercy; diasporic females; spatial experiences; construction of subjectivity

Author: Zhou Quan, Lecturer of English at the School of International Relations, Sichuan International Studies University, is currently engaged in research into diasporic literature. Email: zhouqsisu_2005@sina.com. 

Funding: This paper is funded by the 2015 SISU Research Program for Young Scholars (No. sisu201519).





Title: Review of Laurent Cammarata(2016), Content-Based Foreign Language Teaching

Author: Song Huaju is currently an MA student at College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University. Her research interest is mainly in English language teaching and learning. Email: 1727339962@qq.com.