
【讲座专家】于晶    奥克兰大博士

【讲座题目】L2 motivations and self-identities of Chinese learners of English




This study has investigated Chinese students’ motivations to learn English in both Chinese EFL and overseas ESL contexts.Students’ motivational possible selves (i.e., the possible selves that act as a motivational force for learning English) were also examined in detail in this study. This study has also examined the structural relations among L2 regulatory styles, identity changes, and L2 motivational possible selves.

This study has used an exploratory sequential mixed methods design employing both semi-structured interviews and factor analytic surveys. The interviews focused on changes in motivation and identity through retrospective reflection among 20 Chinese PhD students at the University of Auckland. An online questionnaire survey of 443 postgraduate and undergraduate Chinese students studying in New Zealand explored structural relations among L2 regulatory styles, identity changes and L2 motivational selves. 

The oral presentation will highlight the major findings of the thesis and its contribution to the field of language learning motivation and identity.


于晶, 20184获得奥克兰大学博士学位。主要学术业绩包括:最近5发表高水平学术论文4 篇,有1篇发表在国际一区期刊 (SSCI检索)1篇在国际期刊(LLBA database of CSA检索) 并有两人引用,2篇在北大中文核心期刊。另有3篇论文投到国际一区期刊(SSCI A & HCI)并正在审阅中。是国际一区期刊SystemSSCI)的特邀审稿人和The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI) 期刊的特邀审稿人。一篇论文(独立作者)荣获省级教育研究论文二等奖。主持和参加了国家级(教育部)和省级(哲学社科和教育厅)和校级课题5 项。参与的课题获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果一等奖。3次在国际高水平会议 (美国、澳大利亚和新西兰)上做学术成果汇报。出版教材1部。荣获校级教学能手和优秀主讲教师。科研专长:研究方向为英语教育心理学(动态描述二语学习者的语言学习发展的过程和结构模式)。擅长做定性、定量、以及混合研究方法。擅长高级统计学,熟练使用R语言做高级统计分析(结构建模)和AMOS 以及SPSS 等软件。在奥克兰大学必修2门统计学专业课 并取得优异成绩:Statistics 101, Introduction to statistics, A+Statistics 302, Multivariate data analysis, A。擅长高级英语写作,在奥克兰大学必修硕士写作课程Academic Writing 715, B+