















1.主题类(Main Idea)



The passage is about ______.

The passage centers on ______.

The main idea of the paragraph is ______.

The central thought of the paragraph is ______.

The central idea of the paragraph is ______.

The main point of the paragraph is ______.

The paragraph centers on the point that ______.

What is the main subject of the passage?

What is the main topic of the passage?

What does the passage mainly discuss?

What does the passage mainly deal with?

What is discussed in the passage?

What is the general topic of the passage?

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Which of the following sentences best expresses the main ides?

Which of the following would make the best title for the passage?


作者写一篇文章或是陈述事实(to inform),或是论证道理(to persuade)或是消遣娱乐(to entertain),。在解答这类问题时,重点在于分析文章的思路。此类问题的命题形式如下:

The point the writer is making in the passage is that _____.

The purpose of this passage is to _______.

The author probably intended this selection to ______.

What is the purpose of the passage?

What is the main purpose of the passage?

What is the author's main purpose in the passage?


To Persuade论证道理

Using the present measurement system is as inefficient and old-fashioned as using Roman numerals. If more American realized how easy it is to convert milliliters to liters as opposed to converting tablespoons to quarts, the metric system would be adopted immediately.

To Inform陈述事实

About 113 billion people have lived and died in the history of our planet, according to scientific estimates. Of all these people, the names of about seven billion, or approximately 6 percent, are recorded in some wayon monuments or in books, manuscripts, and public records.

To Entertain消遣娱乐

Because of the contrast between his medium-size wardrobe and his extra-large-size body, my brother has made a commitment to only three meals a day. His definition of a meal, however, is as broad as his belly. If we spot a hot-dog stands on our way to an Italian restaurant, for example, he is not beyond suggesting that we stop. “it will make a good appetizer,” he says.


这类题目主要测试考生把握文章的语气和作者对某一问题的看法或态度的能力。作者在写一篇文章时,经常持有某种态度或倾向。作者的语气和态度往往不是直接在文章中写出来,而是通过对词汇的选择或其他修辞手段体现出来。运用不同含义或具有不同感情色彩的词汇,可以表明作者对某些具体事物或问题的不同态度。在解决此类问题时,首先通读全文,理解主题思想,推断出作者的态度。同时,注意作者意图的隐含表达。另外,要特别注意作者在yet, however, but等词后面表达的内容。

选项中涉及语气和态度的词通常有以下这些:straightforward /cheerful / matter-of-fact /joyous /objective /light-hearted /serious /amused /formal /humorous /comic /solemn /playful /bitter /surprised /regretful /sympathetic /

compassionate /sentimental /pessimistic /optimistic /sorrowful /

depressed /tolerant /distressed /remorseful /angry /critical /sarcastic /cruel /scornful /

ironic /anxious /alarmed /cynical /disbelieving


According to the author,______.

How does the author feel about______.

The author thinks (believes, suggests, deems) that______.

The author gives impression that______.

The author's attitude towards … might be summarized as one of______.

The tone of the passage can best be described as (is)______.

Which of the following will the author agree (disagree) with?

What is the tone (mood) of the passage?

Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards______?



The title of this passage would be ______.

The title that best expresses the main idea is ______.

The passage could be entitled ______.

Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

What is the title of the passage?

Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?

5.结论/推理类(Conclusion and Inference)



结论和推理类题型的问句中一般含有imply, suggest; infer, appear; conclude等词,常见的形式有:

From the passage we can draw the conclusion that______.

From the passage, it can be inferred that______.

It can be concluded from the passage that______

It can be inferred from the passage that______

It is implied (indicated, suggested) in the passage that______.

The paragraph precedingfollowingthis one would most likely discussdeal with______

The first sentence (The last paragraph) conclude that______

The passage appears to be______.

The author suggests in the passage that______.

The writer indicates in the passage that______.

The passage implies in the passage that______.

We can infer (assume, deduce) that______.

We can learn from … that______.

What does the author conclude about______

We may conclude from reading the passage that______

What conclusion can be drawn from the passage (the first paragraph, the last paragraph) ? Which of the following can (not) be inferred from the passage?



In line …, the word … refers to ______.

In line…, the word … could best be replaced by which of the following?

The word  … in line … most nearly means ______.

The word … in line … probably means ______.

The word … as used in line … in this passage means ______.

The word … as used in line … is closest in meaning to ______.

In line…, … could properly be replaced by _______.

By …, the author means _______.









7.细节类(Supporting details)



According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ...

The author mentions all of the following except . . .

The reason for . . .is . . .

The author states that . . .

Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?

Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?

What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?



